How We Changed Our Mindset to Clear the Clutter

As the New Year bells chime our family has found those bells do not resonate as soundly as they should. Why? Because we live a life of clutter. The beautiful bell chimes are blocked by stuff. We are by no means hoarders. You can (in most spaces) clearly walk through rooms without fear of tripping over junk. But that doesn't mean that we don't have clutter. This year, we are making a valiant and concerted effort to clean the clutter. We have already started the process, and it is liberating. But, how did we get to the point where we are hemmed in and trapped by our possession rather than free? We have started to struggle with this question. There is no easy or simple answer to the question. A lot of factors created this clutter-filled lifestyle. At the outset, I must admit that the clutter is mostly my issue. My wife has never placed a high value on material possessions. She easily discards items that are no longer useful and have no sentimental value. I have not had s...