Goodbudget: The Best Tool for Creating and Living on a Budget

Like most Americans, we have struggled with budgeting. There have been times when we have overspent our budget. There have been times our eyes led us to buy items we simply could not afford. We have been crippled by consumer debt, and slowly worked our way out of that debt. A few years ago we said, "No More!" We had had enough of the roller coaster ride and took action. We decided to live within our means, spending only what we earned. It was not an easy decision. We really had to lean into it, and tripped some along the way. Today we can say say that we do live within our means. It's still a struggle (and we always long to make more money so that we don't have to cinch our belts so much). The most helpful tool we have found to help us live on a budget is Goodbudget. The Goodbudget Logo Goodbudget is a website and mobile phone app and tool for budgeting. No matter where we go, we are able to enter purchases into the app from our mobile phone. So, there...